Clamentine: This is it, Joel. It's gonna be gone soon.
Joel: Yeah, I know.
Clamentine: What do we do?
Joel: Enjoy it.


The intention of this review is not to go into the details of the plot much as it would spoil the fun if you haven’t watched it and intend to watch.

The first time I watched this movie, I simply fell in love with everything that it had to offer. It was nothing like any other movie I had seen before. I found the concept very unique and its execution even better. It delivers very well in all aspects of cinema with its great storyline, thoughtful dialogues and good acting. Never for a moment, I took my eyes off the screen.

The movie wonderfully exhibits that while relationship do end, it is the moments that get cemented in memories and we should always cherish them. Whether good or bad memories, each has something to offer us and the film emphasizes that ignorance of memories associated with a particular person is not really blissful, something that is contrary to the title of the movie itself. The screenwriter does a great job of highlighting this by taking us through protagonist’s experience of the events in a reverse time order. Therefore, we are shown good parts of the relationship later on in the movie. The protagonist tries hard to retain these memories but all his efforts end in vain. This way the screenwriter successfully manages in creating a feeling of sorrow for the couple among the audience.

Joel played by Jim Carrey is a rather introvert guy who is more confortable in writing his feelings in a journal and rarely conveys it to intended people. Clamentine played by Kate Winslet is quite the opposite of Joel. She is fun loving and as she says in the movie “I am always anxious, thinking I am not living my life to the fullest”. Joel and Clamentine seem poles apart and yet they find each other completing one-another. These differences will grow large and eventually is detrimental to the relationship. Maybe, just maybe, at the end of movie they realized this and tried to give it one more go in the hope of resolving it this time.

The dream scenes are artistic. The dialogues have great depth. Some of them might resonate in your mind even after you finish it. The music is appropriately applied to sections where it ought to deliver certain emotions.

I would highly recommend watching this once and most likely you will end up watching it again and again in the years that will follow.